Refund and Returns Policy


We want to clarify our refund and return policy for you.

As stated, all sales are final, which means that refunds are only issued in the case of damaged products upon receipt. If you receive a damaged product, please contact our customer service team with photos of the damaged item within 10 days of receiving it, and we will be happy to assist you with a refund or replacement.

We intentionally fulfill orders after 24 hours in regards to any changes in size or the product itself but the sales are always final unless exceptional.

Additionally, we don’t offer exchanges or returns. If you’re unsure which size would fit better, check out our Sizing Guide or Contact our customer team on our email at for suggestions on sizing for you.

Please double check to make sure your address is correct before placing an order. (Ex: apartment numbers, dorm numbers etc.) Once the package leaves our office, we are no longer responsible for the package. If it is lost/stolen, then please contact your local post office as soon as possible. 

Refunds and exchanges are applicable only to damaged/defective items or items that were not received correctly. If you ordered an item in the wrong size, you will need to place a new order.

You can reach out to support if refund is applicable at and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Thank you for all your support.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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